I have been seeing this post all throughout the blogosphere about the 'End of the Year Book Survey' and I knew I just had to do this one! I am ridiculously excited as I love looking back throughout the year, refreshing my memory of the books that I've read and the ones that I am destined to read in the new year! This survey was created by a fellow blogger friend over at
The Perpetual Page Turner. It is for all of the books
read in 2014, not just books that were published in that year. With no further ado.. here we go... (:
Number of Books Read: 133 (as of 12/24)
Number of Rereads: 4 or 5, can't quite remember.
Most Read Genre: Paranormal, dystopian, urban fantasy; it's a tie!
1. Best book you read?
Ouch, I see this is starting out with the hardest questions first.. I hope. How about I choose one from each of my favorite genres? That may be a bit easier.
Dystopian: The entire Legend Series by Marie Lu. Love!
Paranormal: The first two books in the Arcana Chronicles by Kresley Cole. Phenomenal!
Urban Fantasy: Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. So looking forward to the next in the series!
Romance: Stay With Me by J. Lynn
Adventure: The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater
2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn't?
Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick. Although I didn't really care for her Hush, Hush series, I thought that her genre change into a thriller author would go well. It didn't. Ha..
3. Most surprising, good or bad, book read?
The Splintered Series by A.G. Howard. I am not a big fan of fairytale style retellings, but this series blew me away! It is so mad and twisted, I cannot freaking wait for the final book in this series releasing early 2015!
4. Book you recommended the most?
Probably The Raven Cycle books because they were my absolute favorite reads of the year!
5. Best Series You Started? Best Sequel? Best Series Ender?
Started: The Raven Cycle, again. Ha..
Sequel: Endless Knight by Kresley Cole - Arcana Chronicles 2.
Series Ender: Opposition by Jennifer Armentrout or City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare.
6. Favorite New Author?
I really enjoyed The Broken Ones series by Miss Jen Wylie. She is a wonderful writer and I found myself falling in love with her dystopian-style faerie world!
7. Favorite book from an 'out of your comfort zone' genre?
I rarely read a book that is solely romance, but J. Lynn's Wait For You series is phenomenally written. Her male characters are all perfect; swoon-worthy, pain in the ass, asshole men- my favorite kind! (:
8. Most unputdownable book?
Hmm. Opposition by Jennifer Armentrout. The final book in the Lux Series was perfect in every way! I couldn't wait to find out what happened on the next page. This was definitely a binge read for me!
9. Book most likely eligible for a re-read?
I rarely ever re-read a book. Maybe Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch, right before Ice Like Fire releases.
10. Favorite Cover?
It definitely has to be Unhinged by A.G. Howard. Look at that gorgeous cover! I'm kicking myself in the ass for buying the ebook version of this book because, just, wow! The first book in this series, Splintered has an equally badass cover.
11. Most memorable character?
I am going to have to say Daemon from the Lux Series. He is still my number one book boyfriend of all time. His sarcasm and snark is unforgettable for sure. Sigh.
12. Most beautifully written book?
The entire Daughter of Smoke & Bone series. Laini Taylor is a masterful writer. Her world building skills are magickal to say the least.
13. Most thought provoking / life changing book?
Hmm. Well, I can't say that any one book changed my life. Can I say all of them? Books in general have changed my life, from how I spend my spare time to my college major! That's really my only answer for this question... (:
14. Book you can't believe you waited to read?
The Raven Cycle! I cannot believe this sat on my freaking TBR shelf for over two years!
15. Favorite quote?
“Wooo!’ he said, slamming his shot glass down and coughing a bit. ‘That’s good stuff.’
I agreed heartily. ‘Shall we do another one?’ I asked.
‘Oh no,’ Jesus said quietly, his eyes growing round. ‘This is one of those situations where I have to stop and ask myself, what would I do?” -Kevin Hearne, Iron Druid Chronicles
16. Shortest and longest book?
I don't really pay attention to page numbers. I remember City of Heavenly Fire being exceptionally long though..
17. Book that shocked you the most?
Julie Kagawa's Blood of Eden series. A quote from my review: "Another vampire series? Julie Kagawa laughs in the face of Twilight with this wonderfully written story. Blood of Eden is one of the best written worlds that I have ever read." I remember reading the synopsis and finding out it was a vampire series. To say the least, Kagawa shocked me with the way she portrayed vampires; shiny lovable cuddle bugs? Ha...
18. OTP (one true pairing) of the year?
There are so many. Evie and Death from Arcana Chronicles stands out to me.
19. Favorite non-romantic relationship?
Blue and Gansey.. although I really want it to be a romantic relationship, dammit!
20. Favorite book from a previously read author?
Jennifer Armentrout always blows me away. I fell in love with her Covenant Series, but Lux was wonderful as well. And then there's her Dark Elements series that is fantastic as well!
21. Best book you read on a recommendation?
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake. Ghost stories are not my favorite, but this book was fantastic!
22. Latest fictional crush?
Gansey. Did I mention Gansey. Oh, and Gansey. (:
23. Best author debut?
I'm not really sure I read any debuts this year? None come to mind anyways..
24. Best world building?
World building is so important to me in a book. I love Maggie Stiefvater's world in The Raven Cycle. It is one of those worlds that when you pull yourself out of the story, you are disappointed to realize that you can't physically visit this world. It's almost heart breaking.
25. Book that made you smile?
The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne. This series is funny as hell!
26. Book that made you cry?
I'm not a big crier when it comes to books. I remember Divinity by Michelle Johnson did make me cry, because, come on.. if you read the book, you would understand why!
27. Hidden gem?
Dang, all of them! Am I copping out of this question? Absolutely.
28. Book that crushed your soul?
LOL I can't say that any book really crushed my soul. Blue Lily, Lily Blue came close though.
29. Most unique read?
I'm going with the Splintered series by A.G. Howard. Her world was just so damn twisted and mad.. it was beautiful!
30. Book that pissed you off the most?
Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer Armentrout. Come on, Zayne is a total douche canoe and having to read about his relationship with Layla when Roth is perfect for her just pissed me off to no end.
1. New favorite book blog?
This is my first year blogging, so all of them are new to me! Each blogger that I follow has their own unique way of writing reviews and posts, I enjoy reading every one of them!
2. Favorite review you wrote?
My review for Blue Lily, Lily Blue was my favorite. I put a lot of time and thought into that one because I loved the book so much. It was a review written straight from the depths of my soul. Ha..
3. Best discussion/non review post you wrote?
Probably my Liebster Award Nomination post. It was a lot of fun answering those questions.
4. Best event you participated in?
I don't do a lot of scheduled events because of classes. I never know when a professor will spring a research paper or test on us, so I don't like to schedule anything that needs to be posted at a certain time. I write posts when I have the time, so mostly it's just reviews or me rambling.. (:
5. Best moment of blogging life?
When I was nominated for the Liebster Award or the Sisterhood of the World Blogging Award!
6. Most popular post on your blog?
It was my 'Most Anticipated New Releases for 2015' post.
7. Post you wish got a little more love?
Hmm. I really don't have an answer to this one (:
8. Best bookish discovery?
9. Completed reading challenges?
I completed my goal of reading 100 books this year! Yay!
1. One Book You Didn't Get To in 2014 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2015?
The Percy Jackson series! I know, I know, I'm living under a rock!
2. Book you are most anticipating in 2015?
-The Raven Cycle 4 by Maggie Stiefvater (hell yes, I cannot wait for this one!!)
-Dead of Winter by Kresley Cole- the final book in the Arcana Chronicles.
-Snow Like Ashes 2 by Sara Raasch
-The Young Elites 2 by Marie Lu
-The Fae Chronicles 4 by Amelia Hutchins
-The Iron Fey 7 by Julie Kagawa
3. 2015 Debut you are most anticipating?
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
4. Series ending / sequel you are most anticipating?
Question 2 answers this one (:
5. One thing you hope to accomplish with your blog this year?
Reaching 500 followers would be pretty badass (:
And that's all for today folks..! Wow, that was an incredibly long post. I look forward to reading everyone's surveys for 2014. *hint hint*