Rated 3.2 out of 5 stars
By Brodi Ashton
Book 1: Everneath; Book 2: Everbound; Book 3: Evertrue
I was really looking forward to reading this series. The idea of retelling the Hades and Persephone myth in a modern setting was intriguing for sure.. and then I actually read it. I can't begin to explain how disappointing the series turned out to be. The first book, Everneath was more original than I assumed it would be, but the second and especially third book let me down exponentially. The concept is wonderful, but the characters and plot lines were not well written. Nikki, IMO, is a spoiled brat and her obsession/romance with Jack is cheese worthy. Cole is the only character well written in the book and he is the one we are supposed to hate. The world building wasn't as good as it could have been, with an entire Underworld to describe- the details were lost on me. I couldn't picture it in my head and that is not acceptable. All in all- the story could have been great but it failed to impress me.
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