*Before the review, I want to apologize for my lack of posts this week! Balancing work and school is getting a bit ridiculous. I have an insane Lit professor that assigned us three papers, one due each week for the next few weeks. We are expected to read Dante's The Divine Comedy, one part each week; write a 8-9 page paper and prepare a 5-7 minute speech on each installment. The first week, obviously is on Inferno, week two is Purgatorio, and finally Paradisio. Please be patient with me while I read these books and write these ridiculous papers! Muah!*

By Quinn Loftis
The Gypsy Healers #1
Ebook: 295 pages
Publication Date: June 6, 2014
Publisher: Smashwords (Self-published)

4.5 out of 5 Stars
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Related Reviews: Forever Fae; War of the Fae Series
Categories: Fantasy, Faeries, Werewolves

With peace finally descending on the Romanian Grey Wolves, longtime fae ambassador to the wolves, Perizada, has been given a new mission by the Great Luna. But Peri’s desire for revenge against her sister, Lorelle, burns in her heart. Further complicating matters, the great white wolf, Lucian Lupei, has been returned to the pack after centuries trapped in the Dark Forest, and it appears he is destined to be with Peri. Can she put aside her thoughts of vengeance long enough to accept Lucian’s love and complete her mission?

So, apparently this book is the beginning of a spin-off series. The first series is called The Grey Wolves and it includes six books. I didn't realize that before I read this one, but it can definitely be read as a stand-alone. I followed the story perfectly without having read the previous ones; although six new books just found their way onto my TBR shelf! Into the Fae was wonderful, I fell in love with each and every one of the characters. Perizada, a high Fae and member of the council is the protagonist. She is sarcastic, impatient, and says exactly what she is thinking; my favorite attributes in a female character! I connected with her almost instantly, and her smart mouth made me laugh several times throughout this book. She was chosen by the deity, The Great Luna, to be the go-between for the werewolves and the fae, as the fae are the most powerful of the supernatural beings. The fae are basically the police of the supernatural world. Over time, the werewolves vulnerabilities as a species, their tendencies toward violence began to weaken the packs. Thus, they were given a gift from this deity- Gypsy Healers. These are humans with an affinity for healing magic- one is given to each of the large packs in the world. They help to heal the wolves in their pack, as well as each healer is the true mate to one wolf. All wolves need to find their true mates; if they fail to do so, the darkness that is the wolf inside of the man takes over, causing insanity and madness.
Lucian is a wonderfully written male character! A sexy alpha Canis Lupis that is Peri's true mate. Although Peri does not want to accept that she is destined to be with this wolf, he never gives up on her. When the Dark Forest was sealed years ago because of dark magic, he was trapped there as well. For years, he wandered this forest alone, with no way out. Due to Lorelle, Peri's sister trying to kill her, the forest was unsealed and Lucian was freed. This is a wonderful story, filled with mysticism, magic, and sexy supernatural creatures! The world building is phenomenal, hands down! It begins in Romania, at the werewolf castle, and continues through the U.S. and finally into the Faerie world itself. I loved the way that Miss Loftis described the worlds that she took the story to; I could picture it in my mind and that is so imperative to a great book. The characters were well written, and I fully connected with all of them! The plot line is perfectly paced and it felt like each page was more exciting than the last. There were no crazy plot twists though, sadly. I love a good story that gives the reader a few 'wtf moments,' but I still loved everything about this one! If there were some weird, twisted craziness at the end, it would have been a 5 star rating for sure!
I can see Quinn Loftis becoming one of my new favorite authors. Her writing is perfect, from the way that she describes the characters to her fast paced plot lines and the humor that she injects into a suspenseful scene! I honestly cannot wait to read The Grey Wolves Series as well as the next book in this series, Wolf of Stone. This self-published author has a long, hopeful career writing and I hope that more people check out her work! Great story Miss Loftis!
"As my good friend Jen would say, let's do this. Okay, she would say him, but we're going to go with this in an effort to keep things rated PG." -Perizada""Sally isn't going to like this." Peri cocked her hip out to the side as she crossed her arms in front of her. "Why? Do you have to sacrifice a puppy?" Rachel's furrowed brow deepened. "Well, no," she said quickly. "Castrate an elephant?" "No." "Hold Jen's baby on a cliff overlooking the animal kingdom and sing Circle of Life?" Rachel let out an exasperated breath. "Are you done?" Peri shrugged. "After the things I just said, I'm betting it doesn't seem so bad now." "We both have to give up one of our ovaries," Rachel blurted out. "I stand corrected. Sally is going to hate that and all my ideas were way better," Peri conceded. Suddenly, Rachel started laughing. "I was joking, Perizada; we don't have to give up any ovaries." -Perizada & Rachel
""Mother of Pearl, she's making up her own words to the tunes of pop songs," Sally groaned. "Is that a bad thing?" Anna asked. "Let's just say when Peri starts trying to be creative with today's popular culture, it's a 'she's gotta plan that's probably going to get us killed' thing." Stella scrunched up her face. "Good to know." "I'm pretty sure there is nothing good about that piece of information," Anna pointed out. "True. However, it might make things a little less tense if we go to our deaths with a catchy jingle stuck in our heads courtesy of our completely 'not' psycho fairy." -Sally, Anna, & Stella (The Gypsy Healers)
Related Reviews
| Forever Fae | War of the Fae Series |
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That does sound like a crazy amount of homework! Someone will be busy, and I hope it all goes well and that you can keep up! This sounds like a pretty good book from the sound of it, and I like the idea of a male love interest who never gives up on the girl, no matter how strongly he is being denied. It's a shame that there aren't any major plot twists, but it seems like this book doesn't need one!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my post: http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/2014/11/role-models-dead-poets-society-55.html
Thank you girl! Homework is totally stressing me out right now. But finals are only three weeks away and then spring break! Woot! Anyways..I was honestly shocked with how well-written this book is. Being the cover snob that I am, I never would have picked this up if it hadn't been recommended to me rather aggressively. lol And the great thing is, there are like 9 other books in this series waiting for me to get around to! I want to say that each book is about a different character, either fae, wolf, or healer. I'm excited to get to know the other characters as well. Thanks for stopping by Olivia! (:
DeleteYikes. Dante's Inferno is a daunting novel. You're either in for a treat, or you'll succumb to madness...kidding. Lol. Don't mind me. I read it in high school, but it was all a blur.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, glad you enjoyed this book, and take your time, Morrighan. :)
Hey girl! You read this for high school?! Wow, that's some heavy reading for a teenager! Well, I haven't fallen into the rabbit hole yet, but I still have two books to go. haha Surprisingly, I found myself sucked into Inferno after the initial period of 'what the hell is he talking about.' haha It was really difficult to understand at first, but I would read a canto, take a couple minutes break to think about, and read it again. That really helped, and I found myself understanding it a lot more than I thought I would. I'm kind of looking forward to reading Purgatorio now! Thank you for your comment girl!
DeleteDon't worry about not posting much due to those killer amount of papers!
ReplyDeleteBut anyways great review :) I'm thinknig about adding the book to my tbr
You totally should girl! It was so well written; I am such a sucker for sarcastic humor and snark, and this book is packed full of it! Not to mention, there are like 9 or 10 already books out in this and the spin-off series. Win! Only three more weeks until spring break, and I will definitely be taking advantage of the time off to hibernate with books. Thank you for stopping by Anna!
DeleteLove your review! This sounds like a great book. It's awesome that the characters are appealing and great to read about - heck, great characters make a book great.
ReplyDeleteI've been crazy busy with school too, and haven't been posting much at all lately. I just want to tell you that the blogging world needs your post and never stop reviewing!!:)
You should email me so we can set up a buddy read or something. :)
Hey Cambrie! Glad to hear I'm not the only person in the blogging world that is swamped with school work! I did read Inferno over the weekend, and surprisingly, found myself really enjoying it. Shocking, I know! But yes, this book was great. I love the sarcasm and snark that the author used, and knowing that there are 10 (I think) more books in the series makes me super excited! I would love to set up a buddy read with you, for sure. How about we make it over spring break? I have three more weeks of classes and then a few weeks off. Any ideas on books you would be interested in reading..? (:
DeleteI doubt the cover of this book would have ever swayed me into picking this book up, but your review has! It along with the first series by Quinn Loftis has made its way onto my TBR pile. Thanks for a wonderful review!
ReplyDeleteYay! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did girl. I fully agree with you. I am a cover snob and proud of it, and this cover just doesn't do it for me! A blogger friend of mine aggressively recommended it to me, which is the only reason that I picked it up! I am so glad I did though. Thank you for your comment Sarah!
DeleteI remember being an English major. I was turned off of writing and reading for pleasure for a while. It is really hard to balance the sheer amount of reading and writing required when you work as well. I applaud you for still blogging! This book sounds pretty good. I will have to check it and the others in the series out.
ReplyDeleteI really do love school, but it seems like Professors don't realize that you have a life outside of it. Honestly, there is nothing else that I would rather do than read for a living. Hey, what's your job consist of? Reading. You read for a living? Why, of course! haha I want to eventually get into the publishing industry, but who knows. This is only my sophomore year, enough time to change my mind if I really wanted to. Anways.. haha. Thank you for your comment girl, I'm doing my best to balance everything! Muah!
DeleteA 8-9 page paper ?!!! But take your time! Your education is definitely more important, and we'll all still be here when you return!
ReplyDelete8-9 pages, 5-7 minute speech, aaaand I have to read the freaking book, which is about 300 pages long, give or take. Sigh. I'm going a bit crazy haha Not to mention finals are in three weeks! Ugh! hehe Ok, I feel better now. Thank you for letting me rant (:
DeleteAll I can do is keep going, while silently sobbing over the fact that I need to read something that makes my heart happy! Thank you for stopping by girl (:
I feel your pain! Just imagine when finals are over and you can finally read and blog to your heart's desire lol. Use that as motivation!
DeleteGreat review! This one sounds really good! Hope all is going well at school :)
ReplyDeleteOlivia @ Fictionally Obsessed
I'm getting there girl.. three weeks and then spring break! Woot! Thanks for stopping by (:
DeleteGreat review! I don't usually read a lot of paranormal or fantasy, but this sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing! ;)
ReplyDeleteCiera @ The Write Things
Great to hear I can broaden your horizons lady! Thanks for stopping by (:
DeleteThis sounds quite interesting! I love the titles you review here. I'm very into these types of genres, and will have to check some of these out.
ReplyDeleteYou sound very busy, so don't worry about the post, but I've nominated you for an award. :)
I sure hope you do Eve! There are a lot of really wonderful books in the paranormal / fantasy genres that aren't Twilight (:
DeleteThanks so much for the tag.. I will get around to it as soon as I can! Thanks for stopping by.
Love your review. Hehe. I can't wait to read this book! It's on my TBR shelf. But I'm tempted to move it to the next book I read. Haha
ReplyDeleteAlso, before I forget, The Grey Wolves has 8 books now. >_< Luna of Mine (book 8) Just came out a few months ago. Just finished it and I just... I went total fan-girl. rofl
♥Pikachu @ Reviews of a Fear Street Zombie
I totally have to get more into Quinn Loftis's stunning series! I need a clock that I can stop time whenever the hell I feel like it. I swear, I would have every freaking book on my TBR list read! haha Thanks for stopping by girl.. you NEED to read The Raven Cycle, like, yesterday! (:
DeleteMe and you both need that clock! Haha and just added em to my TBR list. ^_^ Next time I see them, I will deff grab em up.