Julia has had a horrible life- filled with orphanages, sexual abuse by her new "family", homelessness, and heartache. She tries to take her own life, but is unsuccessful. And then she meets Alex. He is her everything, the person she is meant to be with. The day she pulls a baby out of a burning vehicle without injuring herself or the baby, she begins questioning herself. She should have died in that fire, or at the very least, been burned beyond recognition. But something, or rather, someone saved her. Little does she know that it was herself. Julia receives a rather unexpected and terrifying visit from the Archangel Gabriel. That family that Julia never had growing up, well here it is. She is the daughter of Gabriel, half angel and half human, bred for the use of the angels to balance out the darkness on Earth. All she feels for the angel standing before her, claiming to be her father, is anger. Where was he all of her life, through the abuse and molestation? With no trust for her father, the Archangel Michael, the most powerful of all the angels steps in to guide Julia. He begins teaching her about her history and the hidden powers she possesses. But when a dark force that even the angels can't explain forces its way into her life, Julia will have to step up and fight alongside the Angels. Can she trust them? Can they trust her? And can she defeat this dark force before it takes the few remaining people she has in her life?
I could not put this book down, and ended up being bumped in my nose with my Nook at 3am. This was not your typical "girl finds out she is an angel and cannot be with the boy she loves" kind of story. It is so much more. The plot line is completely original, and I loved the presence of the Archangels throughout the story. Gabriel and Michael are wonderfully written characters, everything we expect from some of the most powerful creatures in existence. I appreciated that religion did not have a whole lot of play in this book, and if anything, the idea was given that all religions have their place in the world. Thank you, Michelle Johnson. What an amazing concept that I believe wholeheartedly. Julia is a well written protagonist, and her strength through really tough times shows that she is not just one dimensional. I hated one part of this book so much, and the reader will understand what part that is when it happens. I did cry, which is usually not my style, but dang Michelle. Did you have to? I believe this book will have a large following of readers, and I am hoping it will turn into a series. There were a lot of unanswered questions, and the unaccepted offer from Michael at the end makes me believe there will be more. I will definitely be looking forward to reading the next in the series if that is the case. Wonderful story, original plot line, well rounded characters. Can a reader ask for more? I loved it, and look forward to more from Michelle Johnson!
"The mating of an angel and a human creates a child that is capable of hosting an angel's spirit in a way that will allow that spirit to avoid the limitations of humans. A heavenly spirit- an angel- can come to Earth, and be born into a human body. But then it has all the limitations that a human being has. Five senses only, limited communication and perception, and the physical sensations that a human experiences are so intense that often angels will become sidetracked with the pursuit of physical pleasures. You mean like... sex? Julia asked, her eyes wide. Yes. Michael laughed. Show me a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting, and I will show you a room full of distracted angels." -Michelle Johnson
Contact Michelle Johnson, Twitter: @MjsRetweet; Goodreads
Tags: angel, demons, archangel, urban fantasy, series, book review, book review, like hush hush, like unearthly, like mortal instruments, book review, fantasy, paranormal, romance
Wow.This looks so good by what you said. I think I might pick it up when it comes out.
ReplyDeleteHey Swathi, it really was. Although the ending was a cliffhanger, I spoke with the author and she said that it was part of a 3 book series. I cannot wait to see what surprises the next book brings!