*Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit (fictional or real).
Top Ten Tuesday meme is hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish every week. This week's theme is a wonderful one, as world-building is probably the most important aspect to writing a novel. The world is what makes the book real, and the first thing that I try to relate to when beginning a new story or series. If the world is poorly built, not described well enough, or unrelatable- I find myself unable to connect with anything else in the book. In my opinion, world-building is the most important puzzle piece to a great story! Below are my top ten favorite worlds in no particular order...
1.) The Shadowhunter World
The world building in Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices series are both phenomenal. New York City is haunted by supernatural creatures; vampires, werewolves, faeries, warlocks & witches, just to name a few. But there are people out there that protect humans from the knowledge of this world. The Nephilim- a hybrid race of half angel / half humans that are powerful and extremely deadly. The Shadowhunter world is a world of mystery, danger, and wonder. The time, depth, and descriptiveness that Miss Clare put into this world is stunning, and I felt an immediate connection to the Shadowhunters. To be a part of this world, even if only as an outsider looking in, would be an incredible experience!
✯Related Reviews: City of Heavenly Fire
2.) St. Vladimir's Academy
The world of Moroi and Dhampirs that Richelle Mead created in her Vampire Academy Series is amazing. She creates an entire world unlike anything we have ever experienced, where vampires attend school and are trained alongside their protectors, half-vampires that are more powerful and deadly than the vampires themselves. At St. Vladimir's Academy, the vampires and hybrids learn how to defend themselves from their enemies- the Strigoi, as well as learn how to use their elemental magic. The world that Richelle Mead creates is a wonderful place that I feel would be a lot of fun to visit! Vampire Finishing School, what could go wrong...?!
3.) Fae Chronicles
In Amelia Hutchins The Fae Chronicles, the Fae have revealed themselves to the public. Most are celebrities, movie stars, etc.. due to their divine beauty. And then there is Ryder. He is a sex-fae; with powers of seduction that stretch beyond the boundaries of human capabilities. This is an amazingly sexy series, not recommended for anyone under the age of 17. It satisfied my fae obsession perfectly. Most of the story takes place in the modern world, but there are parts where they travel to Faerie as well, which are my favorite parts! The entire world that Miss Hutchins creates is deep, intricate, and sexy as hell! I would love to spend the day with Ryder and his brothers... *ahem*...!
✯Related Reviews: The Fae Chronicles Series Review
4.) Josephine Angelini's Salem
The world that Miss Josephine Angelini builds in this Worldwalker Trilogy is absolutely phenomenal! The alternate universes of her sleepy New England town of Salem are creative and original. A world where witchcraft is more acceptable than science. Where technology is punished for fear of destroying the beauty of nature. Yet it is not entirely old-world, with witches providing medicine and electricity- it is done without harming the Earth. What a beautiful world that I would enjoy being a part of!
✯Related Reviews: Trial by Fire Review
5.) Blood of Eden
The world that Julie Kagawa creates in her Blood of Eden series is horrifying, yet intriguing all the same. I would love to visit this dystopian world, to experience first-hand the terror of vampires ruling a city, in charge of everything from food and water supply to the government laws and restrictions. To be able to see how your world used to be, with cars- empty of gas lining every road, skyscrapers falling down beyond repair, and no one left to rebuild them. The horror of starving children in the streets.. it's all very dark and twisted, yet interesting in a morbid way. It would be an experience to visit, and to see first-hand the effects of a massive plague on humanity.
✯Related Reviews: Blood of Eden Series Review
6.) Dan Brown's Vattican City / Rome
All of my places so far have been mythical, but this one really exists in the world today. Dan Brown's depictions of Vattican City and Rome are beautiful, from Angels & Demons to The Da Vinci Code, and even parts of Inferno. The way that he describes the villas and the public baths, not to mention the incredible artwork that literally covers the entire city.
There is no other place in the world that is more beautiful in my opinion. The public squares are filled with ancient sculptures of everything, from the pagan Roman gods & goddesses, to Catholicism's more recent popes and biblical figures. The mixture of old-world and modern is a fine balance that Rome has been able to achieve seamlessly. Italy, and especially Rome has always been in my top five places that I need to see someday!
7.) Julie Kagawa's Fey World
The Fae world that Miss Kagawa creates is stunning. An entire alternate world that exists parallel to our human one, yet so different from everything we know. From the creatures that exist here, to the landscapes and plants that grow, it is an entirely magickal world where Nature is
allowed free reign. The buildings and technology that exist are created to allow Nature to live alongside of them, as opposed to the way humans destroy Nature for the allowance of our buildings. But with every world, there is no such thing as perfection. The creatures of Fey are manipulative, crazy ass characters. Regardless of their inability to lie, they learn how to professionally manipulate the truth to their own designs. A world where duels are honorable, to kill an enemy in battle is celebrated and revered. The Fey world would be a wonderful place to visit, but I feel it would also be a terrifying experience!
✯Related Reviews: The Iron Fey Series Review
8.) A.G. Howard's Wonderland
The Wonderland world that Miss Howard creates in her Splintered series is absolutely mad. That is the best word that I can use to describe her insanity! Splintered and Unhinged are the first two books in the series, with Ensnared's release date set for early 2015. The world of Wonderland is
dark, twisted, and extremely unhinged. The creatures that Miss Howard introduce us to make us question the very fiber of our moral make up. The story begins with the main character, Alyssa talking to bugs. I really didn't know what to expect after the first chapter, and I almost quit reading. Thankfully, I forged on through the first few awkward chapters, until it all started to fall into place. Alyssa is the great granddaughter of the original Alice from Lewis Carrol's Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. This world, though completely insane, would be a fantastic place to visit. The creatures alone would make it worthwhile to explore!
✯Related Reviews: Splintered Series Review
9.) Jenna Black's Avalon
The magickal city of Avalon, from Jenna Black's Faeriewalker series sounds like a beautiful place! The only spot on Earth where the world of Faerie and the human world can coexist. In this series, Fae can not step foot into the human world, and humans cannot go into Faerie. This city is the only place where both races can live together, and the magick of Faerie works there as well as human technology. It is a mixture of old world and new, magick and new intelligence. Where glass palaces loom over small family run shops. The perfect mixture of both worlds, and I would imagine a wonderful place to visit!
✯Related Reviews: Faeriewalker Series Review
10.) Karen Moning's Ireland
The Dublin that Miss Moning creates in her Fever series is a magical world full of strange and dangerous creatures. The world of Faerie clashes with this version of Dublin in a terrifying yet intriguing city. There are certain areas of the city that, during the day, look like the typical run-down 'ghetto'. But walking through these areas at night prove far more dangerous than a few gang members with guns. Shades- soul
eating low level Fae swarm these dark areas, waiting for their next human meal. When Mac stumbles upon Books & Baubles owned by none other than Jericho Barrons, she feels safe for the first time since arriving in Dublin. But should she? What exactly is Jericho Barrons, and should she trust him as much as her heart already does? In a world where Jericho Barrons exists- I would want to visit regardless of the terror and danger lingering right outside the door!
✯Related Reviews: Fever Series Review
This officially wraps up my very first Top Ten Tuesday post! I may not have time in my schedule to do this every week, but this was a lot of fun! Thank you all for reading folks. Until next time...
This post is so creative - I love it :) I want to visit the Shadowhunter world, and the Iron Fey setting sounds absolutely stunning :)
ReplyDelete- Cambrie (http://andsothebookbegins.blogspot.com/)
Thank you lady! The Iron Fey world would be totally amazing, with talking cats and sexy Fae Princes. Sigh (:
DeleteI'd love to go to the Nevernever, as well as enter the Shadowhunter realm, but I don't think I'd last very long in either places! XD Great list, though!
ReplyDeleteBrittany @ http://www.spacebetweenthespines.com/
haha I'd like to think I would.. but in reality, I would probably run screaming like a little girl (: I really loved doing this post, and look forward to another Top Ten Tuesday!
DeleteLoving the list! I was surprised that Hogwarts wasn't on there...
ReplyDeleteI would definitely want to go to the Shadow Hunter world! That places sounds awesome. I think Rome would be an awesome place to have a holiday as well, I hope you do get to go :D Ireland looks pretty cool too!
Don't get me started on Wonderland. Best. Place. Ever xD
Check out my review and giveaway: http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/2014/10/a-cry-from-deep-blog-tour-giveaway.html
Ok, so I'm gonna make a tiny confession here. I haven't read the Harry Potter Series... at all. haha I've had so many people recommend them to me, and I started the first couple chapters of the first book, but I couldn't get into it. I'm not sure why. But yea, never read them!
DeleteI will definitely check out your giveaway right now!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete(OMG, the Typo Monster was at it again.....lol. So I deleted previous post. He messed up a word in it!)
ReplyDeleteOh, Morrighan, what a TERRIFIC post!! You describe all these places, mythical and real, so well, and make me want to go to each and every one!! What a journey THAT would be!!
I'm going to bookmark this page, because you have mentioned most of the series I've been meaning to read, and haven't yet! So, thanks for the "reminder"!! : )