Mark of Truth
By Graceley Knox
Series: A Wicked Kingdoms Novel
Paperback: 359 pages
Publication Date: May 23, 2017
Publisher: Chaotic Press
My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ✬ | 4.5 / 5 |
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Categories: Faerie, Urban Fantasy, Adult
Ever Leath, leader of the deadliest crew within the Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency’s ranks, has always known she’s a half-breed—until a visit from her estranged mother changes everything. She’s determined to marry Ever off for political gain, no matter the consequences—even if it means Ever’s life.Searching for the truth leads to disturbing doubts about Ever’s heritage, and just as answers appear, so does Dare Fitzpatrick. Captain of the Royal Goblin Guards and son to the current Goblin King, he claims he knows who Ever’s real father is and that she could be in danger. Ever doubts Dare, until he helps her escape the clutches of her would-be suitor and grants her shelter within the Goblin Kingdom.
Staying in Goblin, which has previously been off-limits to half-breeds, is a risk Ever has to take to keep everyone she loves safe. Neither of them planned on the fiery heat between them, but Dare won’t take no for an answer. Ever knows she can’t risk losing her heart to the cocky goblin, despite her attraction to him. At least that’s the plan.
Until it all falls apart.

**I received this review copy in exchange for an honest review**
This was such a lighthearted read with a fast paced plot line. It felt like it all ended too quickly. I was left with a mixture of satisfaction and the gripping desire to learn more about these characters.
Ever is our main protagonist and damn.. she is cocky, feisty, and funny as hell. I truly enjoyed her antics as she reminded me a bit of myself after I've drank too much! She is a half elf, half human, or so she thinks. When rumors start to spread about her actually being full blooded fae with goblin heritage, she decides that it is time to find out the truth about her father. Her mother refuses to reveal who, or better yet, what he is. Ever is not full blooded Elf, so she must live with the humans. MECA, the Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency takes her in as an infant. They raise and train her to capture fae that have broken the rules in the human world. But if they found out that Ever is possibly fully fae, there would be a death sentence on her head. Long ago, the Elfen Kingdom declared that no child produced from an elf and goblin coupling would be allowed to live. In her search for the truth, she meets a sexy goblin prince named Dare. Immediately, sparks fly between the two, but Ever vows that nothing can happen between the two of them.
Her mother begins pressuring her to come to the Elfen Kingdom, where she wants Ever to meet the man she wants her to marry. His name is Cashel and he is her cousin. Gross. Her and her MECA team decide to go stay with the goblin princes for protection from the craziness that is going on in the Elfen Kingdom. Staying with a man that you are extremely attracted to is never a good idea, though. Even if his father, the King of Goblin is always around. As are his two brothers, Dax and Dagan. Not to mention her crazy team. The whole setup kind of felt like a college party to me. Drinking, sex, lots of swearing; throw in some swords and weird mental powers and shake up the hormones.
I can't wait to read more books about Ever and Dare. They are a sizzling hot couple, and I'm hoping they figure out a way to further their relationship in the future. All in all, I give it 4.5 stars. There are a lot of typos in this book, and it took away from the really smooth plot line and incredibly awesome characters. Thank you to the talented Graceley Knox for the opportunity to dive into her world and experience her characters for a time..! Muah! <3
I follow Eryn and her weird sense of direction toward what I'm assuming is the library I was in earlier. We step towards the wide open doors. Our jaws drop. I hadn't had much time to focus on my surroundings when I was in here earlier, but now. Wow. It's like a book lover's wet dream. Both Eryn and I love to read. We're talking read like we breathe, share books with each other because we know that the other won't bend any pages or fuck up the cover of the book, squeal over our favorite parts, reading obsessed.

Meet Graceley Knox
Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. She has two Bengal kitties who can usually be found lounging within distance of her desk, adding their opinions on her current projects. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.| Official | @GracelyKnox | Facebook | 📷 |
I haven't heard about this book until your review. Now I'm intrigued! I love how it's about fea, elf's & goblins! Great review. 👍📖