By Julie Kagawa
The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten book 2
The Iron Fey book 6
Paperback: 342 pages
Publication Date: October 29, 2013
Published By: Harlequin Teen

4.2 out of 5 Stars
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Related Reviews
| The Iron Fey Series | The Lost Prince |
Category: YA, Urban Fantasy, Faerie
In the real world, when you vanish into thin air for a week, people tend to notice.
After his unexpected journey into the lands of the fey, Ethan Chase just wants to get back to normal. Well, as normal as you can be when you see faeries every day of your life. Suddenly the former loner with the bad reputation has someone to try for; his girlfriend, Kenzie. Never mind that he's forbidden to see her again.
But when your name is Ethan Chase and your sister is one of the most powerful faeries in the Nevernever, normal simply isn't to be. For Ethan's nephew, Keirran, is missing, and may be on the verge of doing something unthinkable in the name of saving his own love. Something that will fracture the human and faery worlds forever, and give rise to the dangerous fey known as the Forgotten. As Ethan's and Keirran's fates entwine and Keirran slips further into darkness, Ethan's next choice may decide the fate of them all.
Holy hell Miss Kagawa. I honestly loved everything about this book, and would probably have given it a much higher rating, but how the hell could you end it like that?! I was really starting to fall in love with Keirran, but damn. I kind of want to punch him in his sexy Fae face right now. I don't want to give anything away, but this ending is the worst possible outcome in the history of endings. Period.
The plot line, as always is well thought out and planned, or at least it seems that way. The characters are all written wonderfully, and this book just built on the existing characters; the reader gets to know them a little better, learn more of their back story and what makes them who they are. The world is still the Nevernever, beautiful and intriguing as always. Mixed with a whole lot of craziness, of course! Grimalkin, the talking sarcastic cat made an appearance, which I was really excited about! Puck played more of a role in this book as well, and he is always sarcastic and funny as hell. And Keirran. Sigh. I was just beginning to really understand his character; with a mix of Iron, Summer, and Winter Fey and a bit of human thrown in there as well. He is the first Fey with all four traits, and Miss Kagawa speaks of a prophecy about him that has yet to be revealed.
Ethan is falling for Kenzie in this book, and they are growing closer together. I love them as a couple, and I really enjoy Kenzie's character. She keeps Ethan in check when he tries to pull his cold, tough guy routine. I don't miss the Ethan that we started The Lost Prince with. Although I usually enjoy broody, sexy, tough guy types, his act was just over-the-top for me. Kenzie is a spirited, adventurous, high stakes character, and balances Ethan well.
To wrap up my review, I really did love this book. Honestly. But the ending was awful. I despise cliff hangers.. especially when the next book doesn't even have a release date yet! Sometime in 2015?! Really?! Great writing, as usual, Miss Kagawa. I swear, this woman can write practically anything and make it amazing! Until the next one, I will be silently dying inside..
"I'd never felt anything like this before: these crazy, swirling emotions, all centered around the girl in my arms. Kenzie scared me, infuriated me, challenged me, and faeries or no, I couldn't imagine a world without this girl. I loved her more than anything else in my life. My heart turned over, and the air caught in my throat. I pulled back, breathless with the realization. I...was in love. With Kenzie. The first sensation that rushed through me after that insight was terror." -Ethan"She was beautiful, an angel who had reached down and yanked me out of my miserable, lonely existence, and dammit if that wasn't the sappiest thing I'd ever thought but it was completely true." -Ethan
"With a creaking and groaning of massive limbs, the creature stood up, towering forty feet in the air: a tangled giant of roots, moss and tree branches, its arms dangling past its stumpy legs to brush the ground. The apple tree was perched on its head, still shedding fruit that bounced off its massive body, and it would've been comical if it wasn't completely terrifying." -Guardian Trolls
"Ow! Dammit, Puck!" I raised my sword, knocking the dagger away as it came at my face again. The screech of metal on metal sent a chill up my spine. "Can you not make things worse sometime?" "What? I never make things worse," Puck replied, stepping forward to deal with another eddy swooshing in from the side. "I make things more interesting." "Yea, my foot is about to have an interesting encounter with your ass." Puck laughed. "Ice-boy's been saying the same thing for years, kid. Good luck." -Ethan & Puck
"Mankind has forgotten us," the Lady went on as Keirran continued to regard her without expression. "Many years ago, when I was young, the fey were feared and respected by mortals. They worshipped us, prayed to us, made sacrifices in our name. Not one human doubted the existence of the Good Neighbors, and those that did were quickly reminded what would happen if they forgot."
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Related Reviews
| The Iron Fey Series | The Lost Prince |
I NEED TO READ THIS SERIES! It sounds great and love you're review (as always)
- Cambrie @ and so the book begins
Great review! I only ever read the first two Iron Fey books, but I totally loved it! Your review sounds like the series continues to be awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's so good to see that you are still enjoying this series and she manages to uphold the high standards she left after you read the previous book! I hope you keep on enjoying them. The plot sounds great ^^
Julie Kagawa is a genius.. seriously! She can write about ANYTHING and make it good. She has a new book called Talon coming out in a couple days.. it's about dragons. I'm not a fan of the whole dragon/fantasy genre, but I am going to give it a try because she is THAT good! I hope you get the chance to check this series out sometime.. you will not regret it! (:
DeleteGod I really need to finish this book. I stopped halfway through and never picked it up again because life got in the way. I'm glad I found another person who shares my love for this series :D I feel like not a lot of people that I talk to has read it
ReplyDeleteI love this series! All of the Iron Fey are phenomenally written. The world is one of my favorite book worlds ever! I would love to go to Nevernever and hang out for a few days. I really enjoy her characters as well.. Miss Kagawa knows how to add the right amount of humor to a dramatic story. Although we have to wait until 2015 for the next in the series ):
DeleteThank you for your comment lady!
Not sure if I've already asked you this but have you read Blood of Eden series? I wanted to start this Iron Fey one but I bought the first Immortal Rules one instead - haven't finished reading it yet either!
ReplyDeleteYes Tanya, I have read Blood of Eden. My review is here.. http://ufbooks.blogspot.com/2014/09/blood-of-eden-series-by-julie-kagawa.html
ReplyDeleteIt is a well done series, the world building is phenomenal! I haven't been a huge fan of vampires series ever since Twilight, but Miss Kagawa did them well. They are vicious predators, as they are meant to be.. not some cuddly, sparkly Edward-like creatures! I enjoyed seeing the growth in all of the characters as well.. Zeke is such a well written male character and you get to witness him 'grow up' throughout the book. Definitely a great read, and I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to your thoughts and review when you finish (: