Sometimes, when you're broken, you can heal on your own. Sometimes, you need the help of your friends, your family, and the people you love. Keeping those pieces together when the world seems intent on ripping you apart is the greatest challenge of all. Especially when the ones you love, the ones who hold you together, start falling apart themselves. Arowyn and her family continue on their journey to return the Elven Prince, Shael, to his homeland before he fades and dies. A journey full of triumph and horror, love and sorrow, rips them apart with every fighting moment, and yet brings them together as a family. They don't allow the prophecy to rule their lives. Some don't believe, some don't care. Prophecies aren't written in stone. Events can change. People can change. They are only words. From besieged cites, to the elusive Were and wild Fey, nothing quite prepares them to face their deadliest of enemies, one they didn't know existed.

This is the second book in The Broken Ones Series, and it picks up almost exactly where Broken Aro ends. The dystopian world that Jen Wylie has created continues to expand and change in this second installment. The world building is phenomenal; it seems to be around the early 17th century. Wars, famine, disease and death run rampant throughout the countrysides as the group of misfits continue their journey to return Prince to his home. Aro's feelings for the stubborn Prince continue to grow, to the point that she can no longer deny them to herself. She is in love with the arrogant elf, even though he is a prince and she is nothing. Just a mortal. Or is she? The fact that she can take the Fury from her fey best friend and mind speak with the Were are hints that she is more than that, though. This story continues the journey; through fighting and death, to happiness and the discovery of more allies. The prophecy, and Dragos continue to haunt her waking dreams. This book is full of action and suspense; the reader gets to know the characters better, and with that comes the sadness when a character no longer has a place in the story. I enjoyed every minute of this book, and I would definitely recommend the series to any urban fantasy / dystopian fan out there. Jen Wylie does an amazing job capturing her characters and world so that the reader feels an immediate connection!

"Turning to glance behind her, she watched Prince bravely try to keep up. Though tall, his slim frame seemed weak compared to the others. It wasn't, or hadn't been. Few saw past the beauty of his face anyways. Even dying, he took her breath away. Had he not been an arrogant, tempermental, and impatient prince, he would likely have been a favorite to them all. As it was, quite often the other men barely tolerated him."
Reviews relating to this book: Broken Aro - The Broken Ones book #1
Connect with Jen Wylie: JenWylie.com; Twitter; Goodreads; Smashwords; Amazon.
Tags: Broken Ones Series, Broken Aro, Jen Wylie, paranormal, book reviews, urban fantasy, dystopian, book review.
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